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Monday, August 29, 2005

The Truth is Out There...

I love the X-Files. I forgot how similar it is to heroin. Seriously, my world would revolve around the show. It used to be that you'd find me in front of my tv every Sunday night at 9pm to drool over Scully and laugh at the scathing wit of Mulder as they waded through aliens and conspiracies and lies in the ultimate search for the truth. And finally someone had the smarts to put it on in syndication again. Now you'll find me in front of my tv every night at 10pm re-living the glory days with some pepsi and some popcorn. Good times.

The rock and roll front has been very X-files like in the last few weeks; strange people coming out of the woodwork, the loss of someone very close and important people obstructing us when we're so, so, so, so, so close to 'the truth'.

A few great things have happened, though. We played my home town on Saturday. It's a small little place on Lake Huron called Port Elgin. It's funny how your perception of what you want and what you need changes as you get older. When I was 18 years old, I couldn't wait to get out of there. And now I find myself being drawn back to the wide open space and the stillness that you don't get here in Toronto. The boys and some of the lovely girls and I were sitting on my parents porch (they live on our family farm now) just looking at the stars (I saw some amazing shooting stars!) and talking and laughing and taking it all in. I did learn a few new things about Mick and his porcupine fetish (don't worry, he uses protection - a falconry glove). It was one of those nights where you just know that you're where you should be. And you need those. Because so many people question you along the way, that you begin to question yourself. Not that night.

Despite our frustrations (it's almost impossible to get on the radio unless you have a lot of money to throw around - ALTHOUGH, there's been a few good folks in Owen Sound, Sudbury & Stratford that have found some loopholes for us!) some good things have been happening. Tim and the good folks at Healey's have seen fit to unleash us on a Friday night (September 9th) and thus give no excuses to our 'working' friends to not come out and drink and rock and roll. And Mr. Laskey and the folks at the Horseshoe were so impressed with the cd release show and the crowd (again, the kindness of strangers and the beauty of friends) that they gave us a slot opening for a Canadian act called BOY, that I suspect will be everywhere pretty soon. And that's on a SATURDAY night (Sept 24th)!!! At the HORSESHOE!!! Needless to say, we're pretty excited. You can almost reach out and touch the idea of not being horrifically in debt (I'd conservatively say it costs us $250/month EACH to be in TFP right now, and that's excluding the new car sized down payment we coughed up to make the record!) Our running joke for the last eight months has been,

"We really like you and we think you'd make a great addition to The Free Press Family."

"Well, thank you, I'm honoured."

"Does that mean you're in?"

"Yes! Yes, it does."

"Fantastic! Welcome aboard. That'll be $2000 dollars, please."

We're only half-joking. But all the headaches of debt, kraft dinner, discount ale and sleepless nights will be worth it if we can just take a few more large strides towards the dream. I think people are noticing us. I think people are getting interested in what we do and what we have to say. I think we're on the road to being a real rock and roll band.

I want to believe.


At 11:05 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smith, you look funny all grown up. You should contact me.


At 8:08 a.m., Blogger Mick Torbay said...

Dear Farrell,

Agreed. Funny-looking.

yer old pal


At 4:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd best believe there Smith! (I'm apparently jumping on the last name bandwagon for this post) I hear such great things when you boys take the stage. I can't offer you guys much, but what I can say is that I had no doubts about putting your name down for the 9th, and there should (bear in mind I said "should") be some free beer to go with your free press.

At 4:22 p.m., Blogger @lex said...

Free alcohol? Tim is officially the band's new best friend. He's way better than the guy who gives us his half eaten sandwiches.

At 4:25 p.m., Blogger J.D. said...

Matt (Farrell) - thank you for jumping on the J.D. Smith bashing bandwagon. It's a hot spot right now. What's the best way to hget a hold of you? Email me at and let me know. How are things at the LKTYP?



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