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Saturday, July 23, 2005


I read this on the internet, so it must be true. I happen to be in an Indie band and I'd encourage anyone who drives a car to buy our cd. It's in the best interest of your health. I volunteer to be the poster boy for this campaign.

New Study Finds That Listening To Indie Rock Can Save Your Life

(ChartAttack) A new study says listening to indie rock keeps drivers more alert, while hip-hop is considered to be distracting. According to a new study, listening to Pavement will not only turn you into a music geek, but it'll improve your driving as well. reports that a new British study has found that singing along to music while you're driving helps you concentrate more, which means you won't fall asleep at the wheel. So dust off those old Thrush Hermit albums and get your Arcade Fire records ready, because the study also says that the best type of music to listen to while you're driving is rock and indie rock.
Not only will Stephen Malkmus' warble help you avoid falling asleep on the road, but it'll do a better job at it than talk radio, silence or even talking to a friend about indie rock.

Rock 'n' roll isn't the only music that'll keep your car from slamming into the guardrails — easy listening and soothing classics should keep the blood pumping and the eyelids open as well. However, if you like taking chances with your life then throw on some Eminem or 50 Cent. The study reports that hip-hop or aggressive classical numbers can actually distract drivers.

Now, if only someone did a study on how to change your CDs without driving over the median.

(and cue the rainbow and "The More You Know" graphic...hold it, hold wipe aaaaannnnnd we're out.)


At 1:14 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't know that.I guess I can understand it since Indie does seem to get me in a calmer mood then any other music does,especially hip hop.Guess I'll have to tell my dad to pop in some Indie CD's for a safer ride.

At 1:42 a.m., Blogger J.D. said...

Don't just tell your dad!! Tell everyone! LOL. I made everyone in my family buy a cd (I guess they were obligated anyway). I tried to get my sister to buy 2 (she's had a few car accidents in her day). But seriously, every one who travels the Gardiner, DVP or 401 should have some indie music. Maybe traffic wouldn't suck so much if they did! What I was shocked to see is that classical is on there too. I like Mussorgsky & Beethoven, but I think of them as 'quiet time' or writing music. Strange how it makes some more people alert. How're things with you?

At 10:16 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things are okay,how are you doing?Soo you like Indie too,what bands you in to and how do feel about emo?

At 10:17 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things are okay,how are you doing?Soo you like Indie too,what bands you in to and how do feel about emo?

At 12:25 a.m., Blogger Sara Desjardins said...

Uh Oh! She just said a bad word....

At 4:46 a.m., Blogger J.D. said...

I've just recently discovered which is fanfuckingtastic if you're looking for indie music. Of course there's people who have obviously just used their dad's old tape recorder and recorded themselves playing live in the garage, but there's some REALLY good stuff too. The Populars (indescribable - Elvis Costello meets The Clash meets The Odds is as close as I can get), Only Forward (good rock/pop), Rick Temporao & the New Low (solid rock/funk/pop), Cassandra Kubinski (beautiful jazzy/poppy voice), Throwback (Pop, Pop, Really good pop). I think you could find any of those bands on and i'm finding it a really cool way to discover new music. Those are the unknown folks I'm digging right now. If you mean slightly bigger indie stuff, I love Danny Michel, Luc Doucet and Martin Tielli.

Emo? Well, what do you mean by emo, exactly? I know it's an abbreviation for 'emotional' but that's all music, in my opinion. Music is supposed to be heightened emotion. Anyway, this is an argument I've had a lot with music nerd friends of mine. Where emo began and what it encompasses. My only problem with emo (at least some of the bands that I've heard included in the category - Bright Eyes, for example) is that there's not enough melody in the vocals. Sometimes it's just raw yelling or screaming. If I want that, I'll go to some old school punk - Clash, Sex Pistols, Ramones. Or - and here's where my friends argue that Emo started - if i want really passionate, kind of raw rock with some melody, I'd go to The Who. This is getting ridiculous. Like a music history lecture. I guess I'd ask you what kind of bands you'd put in the Emo category and then I'll give you a better answer. Fair enough?

At 11:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it isn't as if I'm the biggest emo fan out there but I do enjoy some of it.I don't think I've looked into it enough yet soo I can't really define it,all I can say is that emo like many other rock froms of music has meaning that I can't find in the pop,rap,hip-hop and other stuff that people my age listen to.I mean I've tried to like that kind of music but I got to a point where I just wanted to listen to something with actually meaning that that other music just can't offer me.As for favourite band of that category I'd have to say I'm a huge fan of Death Cab for Cutie.By the way, I saw you(Garth)on Metropia yesterday and was glad to see you dumped that cheating fiance of yours.

At 2:28 a.m., Blogger J.D. said...

You know what? I can't argue with that. If you get something from the music that you don't get anywhere else, than that artist is doing what they're supposed to be doing. I don't mind some Death Cab for Cutie tunes, in fact. I think it's our job to make people ask questions and give them comfort enough to pull through rough times. Bands like Counting Crows, U2, Crowded House & Radiohead have done that for me. Helped me through being miserable, raging, heartbroken or happy. If it does something for you, then defend your artist to the death.

Yes, Aviva & I are through. She's probably better off. Maybe now she can find a boyfriend with better hair - although I think I get a haircut on the show soon! I can't remember if it looked better or worse. Guess we'll see next week. Take care.



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