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Friday, July 29, 2005

How are these people not extinct???

Yes, that's a new band picture. We've got a big month coming up. A cd release party, a television appearance, and a few touring shows. However, I felt fortunate we weren't touring to Kansas after reading this article. And the U2 line, "I can't believe the news today" leapt to mind for all the wrong reasons.

Man gets amputated foot back after police seize it briefly

LAWRENCE, Kansas (AP) - Ezekiel Rubottom now has his left foot back exactly where he wants it - in a bucket on the front porch. Police in Kansas has returned the amputated foot to him after seizing it during the weekend to check out just how it came to be there.

The 21-year-old man's foot was amputated three weeks ago after a series of medical problems, and he started keeping it in a five-gallon (20-liter) bucket filled with formaldehyde.

It came to the attention of police after a call from a parent whose child reported seeing the severed foot. Officers who went to the home late Saturday night found the foot, and some of Rubottom's friends, but no sign of Rubottom himself.

Unsure of what to make of the unusual discovery, police confiscated the severed foot and put it into evidence storage.

"We had to make sure that no crime had been committed," said Sgt. Dan Ward.

Rubottom, an artist, recovering methamphetamine addict and occasional hip-hop master of ceremonies, said he was born with a clubbed foot and has dealt all his life with pressure sores and infections. An infection this summer became so severe that doctors at Lawrence Memorial Hospital decided it should be amputated.

Rubottom asked to have the severed foot. A pathologist at the hospital checked to make sure it wouldn't be a hazard and told him he could have it, provided he kept it in a container labeled with instructions for handling the formaldehyde.

After a friend picked up the bucket at a hardware store, Rubottom added several objects as well as the severed foot - including a porcelain horse and can of beer - to make what he called "a collage of myself." He also cut off two of the toes, saying he was considering giving them to friends.

On Monday, police returned the foot to Rubottom after taking him to the hospital, where he signed a release allowing them to see his medical records.

"It's cool. It's all good," said Rubottom. "Now I've got my foot back. That's all I wanted.
"I'm not sick or, like, a danger," he said of his decision to keep and display the foot. "I just wanted my foot ... I just figured I'd do with it whatever I pleased."

Wow. Welcome back. I'll bet that guy throws a helluva pool party. Just don't ask him about the pickled weiners.


At 10:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya I'm also a fan of U2 nad Counting Crows and just love Radio Head's "I'm A Creep".Soo where will you be releasing your CD?And I would have to say,Garth(you at the time) really does neeed a haircut,it's like a poodle up there.And by the way,am we gonna be seeing any Marisa/Garth action soon?Okay well bye for now.

At 11:03 p.m., Blogger J.D. said...

If you're a big fan of Radiohead & U2, you might also try a Canadian band call Pilate. Fantastic.

The haircut is coming. In fact, I think it happened in last Friday's episode. It was well beyond a poodle. It was into the northern grizzly bear stage. Thankfully, the producers let me cut it after I dumped my fiancee and 'started new'. And yes, you will be seeing plenty of Marisa/Garth action soon! I'm still not sure if you'll only see up to episode 78 or if you'll see all the way to 90 (that's where we stopped). We shot them at different times (we finished 78 in October and 90 in February), so there may be a delay before the last bunch. Omni will know better than I. But, I assure you, Garth & Marisa have quite a little journey in that time. Take care and talk to you soon.


At 11:11 p.m., Blogger Sara Desjardins said...

Just in time for the above pic to be taken ;) And it was a definite improvement! Although...I like the long rock hair as it is now too :D

At 4:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post really has nothing to do with J.D.'s article, I just wanted to pop by and say that the album is fantastic, though by reading your rants while sifting through my day at work, you guys obviously have way too much time on your hands! Apparently I do too, because I have the time to post this. Thanks for the album, see y'all Tuesday, Tim


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