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Thursday, July 07, 2005

A letter to the editor...

I was going to write such a letter. I've never done it before, but there comes a point in everyone's life where they've had enough. Where they get sick and tired of reading the same outlandish bullshit (ie, that Billy Talent is a good band). In this case, I was sick of all the folks bashing Live 8.

I read last weeks tirades in all the papers about over-age rock stars kissing each others asses and patting themselves on the back and I was almost sick. Not in the direction of the musicians, mind you. I think they're on the side of right. I wanted to vomit on all the 'journalists' (which I think is becoming a pet word for narcissistic, near-sighted prick) who missed the goddamned point. So when I read the article titled 'More than a feeling' by Michael H on page 18 of this weeks NOW, I felt vindicated. Not Michael Jackson vindicated, but properly and deservedly vindicated. Read the article. It's fantastic.

I watched Live 8. It was my 31st birthday and I was at my parents house with my girlfriend. The tv was on the whole day and I watched a good 75% of it (although it must be noted that A Simple Plan & Bruce Cockburn lulled me to sleep). There was so much sincerity by every artist that was there. And so much poignancy. All these people wanted to do was raise awareness. And I think the effort's doubly incredible given all the media naysaying and resistance they were forced to endure. Sting singing 'Message in a Bottle', Tragically Hip singing 'Ahead by a Century', U2 singing 'Beautiful Day', Green Day belting out 'American Idiot' and - the moment that made me go 'Wow!' - Stephen Page of the Barenaked Ladies tacking 'Tears are Not Enough' on to the end of their set. These artists weren't just promoting a new album or trying to revive a fading career. They had a legitimate message and they were there because they saw a problem they wanted the rest of the world to see as well. I think more of us should follow the lead of visionaries like Bob Geldof. I was aware of the problem in Africa. But I had no idea the scope of the problems. And I watched this huge rock concert and it opened my eyes a little wider. And 25 million + who signed up on the website clearly had a similar experience. If that's not raising awareness, I don't know what is. Becuase these politicians will come off looking like monsters if they don't do everything in their power to make some serious changes.

I'll take so many moments away from the concert and a re-invested belief that rock and roll can change the world. Imagine (if you didn't see the show) 200, 000 people singing along with Sting,

"Sending out an SOS
Sending out an SOS
Sending out an SOS
Sending out an SOS..."

That's goddamned right.


At 10:22 p.m., Blogger Sara Desjardins said...

"...and - the moment that made me go 'Wow!' - Stephen Page of the Barenaked Ladies tacking 'Tears are Not Enough' on to the end of their set."


I don't think I'll ever forget that moment. There wasn't another artist there (or around the world) who sang or spoke with more conviction than those fine gentlemen. It still gives me goosebumps thinking about it.

At 2:58 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya I'm loving season 2 soo far.I mean just when you think the dram's over more of it comes back.By the way your fiance on the show is a total bitch,Garth needs to get with Marisa and she needs to dump Lee cause unless I understood things wrong he is the rapist ain't he.Soo yah I'll definetly keep watching and I hope you guys get picked up for a season 3,I mean your one of OMNI's few original programs and I'd find it soo dumb of them if they don't give you guys a season 3.By the way if you do find out that you've gotten picked up for season 3 make sure to tell me.

At 4:55 a.m., Blogger J.D. said...

I hear that a lot (that my fiance is a bitch). Truth be told, it's just because she's a good actress. She's one of the kindest people I've come across in the acting biz. I can't tell you how many times she almost cracked me up on camera. She's REALLY funny.

I can't tell you the what the end of the season holds (although I don't suspect the Metropia police would throw me in jail if I did), but scandal after scandal keeps on happening. I agree Omni is silly to not pick it up for a season 3, but it is pretty expensive because the cast is so big and the studio is pricey. However, we'll all just have to wait and see. I'll be sure to tell you if I hear something.

I have an SMS account and some girl recognized me over there. She said I needed a 'good haircut'. I had to agree with her. I look like an out of control Peter Brady right now (on the show). It makes me laugh to think how hot that big shaggy mop was last summer. Anyway, take care. Talk to you soon.


At 1:16 p.m., Blogger Sara Desjardins said...

Being a fan of Metropia myself(though there are times I tease JD about this crazy soap opera ;), and having seen some of Season 2's episodes at an advanced screening with DOES get more exciting and scandalous! I didn't think it could...but it reeeally, reeeally does. Things happen that I didn't even see coming. It's shocking. If you liked Season 1, you'll love Season 2!


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