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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Dance Naked...

Well, we're not naked, but we were dancing. And I've recently become infatuated with the idea of fooling around with my name.

James Cougar Dallas

What do you think? I tried Leopard & Gazelle in place of the Cougar, but it just doesn't have that same ring.

Anyway, all this fooling about has come because the band just had a great week. Last Friday, we played a really fun show at the Kee to Bala (that's where the picture was taken - the stage is HUGE!!!). We get to head back up there for Labour Day which we're all excited about. In addition to that, we played one of the strangest and craziest shows of our career at Healey's on Wednesday. If you can picture a television show that's equal parts Oz, Arrested Devlopment & Sesame Street, you have an inkling of what happened at Healey's. Disturbing, probably a little more graphic than necessary, bizzarely funny, strangely entertaining and always educational. The result of this crazy show was that we also get to play another big show at Healey's on September 28th. It's one of those battle of the band things, which none of us are crazy about - it's just a bad enviornment for music, usually. And generally we don't put any stock in them, because how the hell do you judge a punk band, a screamo band, a metal band and a pop rock band with the same criteria? You don't. Not fairly, at least. Anyway, the folks at Healey's (Tim in particular - he's the long haired manager that all the girls are in love with) have been really cool to us. And so we brought a few truckloads of people and they won us the first round of the competition with their clapping and drinking and whooping. I didn't think that was a big deal until Tim told us the winner of the last competition (it's three rounds all told) is opening for the White Stripes at the Molson Amphitheatre!!! Needless to say, it's a bigger incentive to bring a few BUS loads of people to the next show and have another great show.

I also watched the band on tv last night. We were on Metropia. National television. Now, this is nothing new for me, but watching this episode (even though I've seen it twice before) was different. It's like listening to a song on the radio even though you may have the cd in your car or home. Irrelevant. This was different because it was dialogue writers wrote for me, but everything else was ours. All our hardwork, rehearsal and rocking was on national television for all Canadians to see. And we played two of our songs. It was peculiar to see my real life mixed with my television life.

Actually, it's all getting a bit crazy. Alex and I were talking about how it's just starting to get weird. That's not a bad thing. I mean, we've been working our asses off for two years and we're just now starting to see some results. But winning a few competitions in a week, being on national television, signing a bunch of autographs (seriously, attractive women wanted us to sign their cd's!!!) and having 4 shows in an 8 day window coming up is giving us a taste of the surreal reality of success. Certainly we're not making any money yet and very few people greater than three degrees of separation from the band know who the hell we are. But they're starting to. And it's really fucking exciting. So, as I'm rolling all these ideas about in my head and toying with the insertion of an animal into the middle of my name (I'm not really, unless you all think it's a good idea, in which case I'll do it for fun and because Mitch likes it when I sell out) I try to keep it all together. But's Too Much To Think About.


At 6:06 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't become a 'cougar'... The world has had enough of 'cougar' singers *cough John cough* Now that I've at least touched on your post, I have a few things I'd like to get off my chest... 1. All the girls are definitely NOT in love with me :( 2. Why the hell is Mrs. Mary Wayne not on your album????? I think it's one of the best songs I've ever heard from you guys!!! I don't care if your keyboard player is or isn't in the band anymore, get that song out there! And just for the record, your cd hasn't left my car stereo since you gave it to me last wednesday! You'd all better be out on Tuesday!

At 9:05 p.m., Blogger J.D. said...

Alright, Tim. Or Mr. 'Anonymous'. I have a few clarifications.

1. Not ALL the girls are in love with you, but the amount of 'doe eyes' increases by about 300% in your vicinity (Alex is not excluded from this). I have to believe it's related to what we now call 'The Tim Phenomonon'.

2. Mrs. Mary Wayne was on our demo (I'll give you a copy if you want it). It's not that we dislike the song. It's just that we have so many mid-tempo tunes that we have a hard time squeezing them into a short set. That and it's seen three singers try it and we can't decide who suits it best. As such, it's been 'shelved' but I think we'll revisit it when we have the space. And I really, really do miss the piano in the song. There's something more haunting and bittersweet about the piano tone than the guitar. It's just one of many great songs that Len wrote that we've had to put on the backburner. I'm not trying to be a showoff, but Len & I must have 25 songs between us that we're quite happy with and another 10 or 15 that are in various stages of completion. If we ever get a manager/label rep who has to sit down and listen to everything and suss out what we should run with, they're in for a long few days!

3. Thanks for the praise about the album! It's nice to hear that the cd has made a temporary home in your car. That's the kind of infatuation we want EVERYONE to have about the cd (lol). And seriously, burn copies for people (and then deposit it IMMEDIATELY back in your car stereo!) You know how hard it is to get folks out to listen to an indie band and we have good folks like you spreading the word and supporting us before we play, it makes us look good. Of course we'll be there Tuesday (or I will, but I think all four of us are going). We seriously can't thank you enough for letting us play there again and again. It's really helped us develop our live show and all the patrons and musicians that show up are just so damned NICE and supportive. I find it hard to miss a Tuesday now because I just love the vibe and atmosphere of people hanging out and making music because it's fun. Isn't that what it's supposed to be about?

At 11:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I honestly can't bleieve of all episodes to miss I missed that one that one.I was helping setting up for a birthday party so there was no way I could see it.Do you happen to have a copy on your computer that you could maybe send me.

At 1:46 a.m., Blogger J.D. said...

LOL. No, I'm afraid I don't have a copy. But my room-mates are going to tape it on Sunday (I think the re-run is at 11pm on OMNI 1). If you don't get a chance to see it on Sunday, I'll try and find a way to get it to you. Deal?

At 12:14 p.m., Blogger Sara Desjardins said...

Tim - Have you learned "She ain't Pretty?" for me yet??

PS...On point #1...JD is correct...ALL the girls aren't in love with you...but most of them are ;) Every girl I've brought thinks you're a little hottie!!


At 12:42 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya I couldn't watch it Sunday either because my cousin had just arrived from Portugal and I spent the rest of the day with her.So ya if you could get a copy for me I'd be very grateful.

At 3:10 a.m., Blogger J.D. said...

I'll see what I can do. I think my roomie taped it on one of those new, fandangled DVD Recorders, so I'll get him to dump it on his computer at work and bring it back. It might take a few days, but I'll do what I can. Talk to you soon.



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