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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I wonder if he gives lessons...

I'm just watching 'Resuce Me' which - as far as I know - is only on Showcase/HBO. It's the newest project that Dennis Leary is involved with. And man, can that guy swear. He's one of the alltime great cussers in my opinion. Cussing is over-used. As far as I'm concerned, it's like Shakespearean text. You should have to go to school and study it for great amounts of time before anyone will allow you or pay you to do it. I just want Dennis Leary to know - if this journal somehow finds him - that I would be the first in line for a masterclass in swearing if he was teaching. Uta Hagen, David Mamet? I mean what the fuck do they know?

Other than enjoying the profane gifts of Mr. Leary, I've been keeping busy with the band. We played a few shows in the last few days and they were arguably two of our best. We've been drinking a bit and hanging out before shows and it makes all the difference in the world. We just come in more relaxed and have a lot more fun on stage and everyone seems to get infected with that joy. This is a good thing. We played at Healey's last night, for the first time in almost a year. The last time we played, we were joined by this God awful cover band from Brantford. The keys player was using a Casio keyboard (for non music geeks, it's the computer equivalent of someone using a Commodore 64 to check email today or someone going to rent a movie at the video store for their Beta VCR - uncommon and unbelievable). She used two fingers and they did a U2 song (which hurt me more than anyone will ever know) and they cleverly changed 'Boys of Summer' to 'Girls of Summer' since there were two or three girls in the band. Safe to say that our last show there was a bit rough. This was the opposite. We only played two songs, but there was a warm, receptive crowd of at least 100-150 there. It was really, really enjoyable to be on stage playing music. After we finished (and a lot of folks were kind enough to give us some really positive feedback) we had a quick discussion and agreed that we'd be frequenting the Tuesday night Jam at Healey's until they told us to stop or had one of us killed (this is easier than they know, since any one of us would kill one of the others for a can of pop and a bag of chips). So, if you like music and are in the neighbourhood, I highly recommend dropping into Healey's on a Tuesday night. It's free and you can find us ranting on stage or raving in a booth for all of June. And maybe beyond if no one gets whacked.


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