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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I've Been Up All Night...

And I might sleep all day
Get your dreams just right
Don't let 'em slip away

So, it's 11:10 am and I haven't been to bed yet. This is nothing new for me. It's getting tiring though (ha ha). I've been trying to work the line "Insomniacs who drift and daydream of sleep" into a song for a few years now, but I can't find a place for it. Anyway, I always get like this when I finish a job. It's amazing what the mind and the human body will do when there's nothing to anchor it in time or routine. And that's where I find myself now. Flipping channels, obsessively checking email at 5am (Who the hell - besides a pharmaceutical company - is going to email me at 5am?) and conceiving strange, strange ideas for stories and songs.

I went for a walk just now and it probably wasn't a good idea. I thought it would wear me out, but it just increased the stimuli to my brain. I had a strange, strange story idea worked out about a man who decides to become a Beekeeper because bees (for whatever reason) just won't sting him. Scientists study him and test him and try to determine if he's got some extra gene or emits some altered pheremone that placates bees. Anyway, he goes merrily through life until one spring when he goes to get the honey, half the colony stings the son of a bitch and he dies because it turns out he's allergic to bees. With all the testing and all the research, no one thought to check and see if he was allergic. They just assumed that since he was a beekeeper, he was fine. But life giveth and life taketh away.

If that was a dream, I'd be disturbed. But because I'm awake (although I question lucid) it seems like some kind of moral fairytale. What's more disturbing is what passes for news today. Someone in the Toronto Star is up in arms because they renewed Paul Abduul's contract on American Idol for three more years. Apparently she makes no sense and lowers the IQ of the show. Given the intellectual loftiness of the show, I wonder if the writer sees the irony in the article. It's like a midget bitching that all the light switches are too low.

There was also a ridiculous segment on CityTV about raccoon excrement and how it's bad for you or your animal to ingest. Seriously? I'll have to re-think dinner tonight then, because we sure were having raccoon shit l'orange. It was followed by an article that said cell phones might give you brain cancer. Wow. Really? Apparently the Swedes conducted an extensive survey and it's true! Nevermind that the other 19 studies have been inconclusive. The Swedes should stick to hockey and making assemblable furniture.

Well, it's 12:35 now. I can't decide on a grilled cheese or a long nap. I'll just start walking downstairs and if you haven't heard from me by tomorrow, call an ambulance. I'm probably broken and bleeding just inside the front door.


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