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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What You Wish For

I don't know if any of you know who Guster is, but if you don't, you should. I can't remember if it was our old keys player Mike (not to be confused with our present bass player, Mick, who also plays keys) or Len that introduced me to them, but to solve the problem, let's just say I'm thankful to both.

I used to love a band called Toad the Wet Sprocket who are now defunct. I used to wonder how the hell a good band like that could just up and call it quits. But as I work with my band more and more, I understand how it might happen. Eventually, you get tired of not being housed and fed. And if you manage to house and feed yourself, well, you might want to settle down and marry and perhaps have children. This - for fertilization and then caretaking reasons - is complicated if you're away from home more than half of the year. But I digress. Toad the Wet Sprocket. Great band. I have all their records if you want to borrow one from me. In fact, I insist you borrow one from me. Great harmonies, driving guitars and an odd sense of humour. And if you mix them with the Barenaked Ladies (even GREATER harmonies, more subdued - but very catchy guitars) and an even odder sense of humour), you get Guster. Check them out.

They've got a fun website. There's a little hummingbird that floats around and says, "Ole!", if you catch him and click on him. I think I'd like a little Mick floating around our website and he might say, "Nuts!", if you managed to click up his nostril. But I digress.

This is a little excerpt from their 'Frequently Asked Questions' section. And its reasons like this - a sense of humour and a lack of ego - that keep good bands like this together. I hope they continue on their path to great success. They deserve it.

Q: Are you guys a Christian band?

A: Rather than answer this one with a simple yes/no, we suggest you check the following sources for clues: 1) Brian's last name -- "Rosenworcel." 2) Any photo of Ryan where you can see his profile. 3) The Guster Backstage Contract Rider, where we stipify that "the dressing room must be furnished with plenty of borscht, noodle kugels, potato latkes, gefilte fish and homemade rugulah for dessert."

Q: Do you guys name your instruments?

A: Yes

Q: You guys seem to be on the road all the time. What do the insides of your refrigerators look like?

A: Thankfully, we maintain digital fridge-cams so we can check the progress of our perishables from the bus and know what we're coming home to. Go here ( to take a peek inside Guster's personal refrigerators.


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