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Monday, August 18, 2008

They Don't Exist

I'm told that we live in the age of ideas. That is, in essence, an age of dreamers. Men like Churchill, Columbus, Elvis - men of action - are a thing of the past. They don't exist.

I saw proof that's not the case on Saturday night. In a tiny club in Guelph I saw a band called Vacuity set up enough guitars, drums, amps, keyboards, roosters, computers and mics to play an arena. And despite the confines of the room, they played like they were in an arena. Inspired, controlled, soaring, infectious, awesome rock/pop. They played the kind of show that makes you want to go out and by a guitar so you can do that.

Afterwards, they told me they're embarking on a 9 week tour of the country. These are not rich men. These are not foolish men. These are men of action. They've committed to the idea that they need to spread their music. And they're right. I'm sure they'd say it's because they don't know what else they could do. And as a fan of music, I hope they never have to do anything else.

But I think there's more to it than that. Maybe they're too humble to admit this, but the world needs them to spread their music. Every person that left that bar on Saturday was a better human because they shared such gifts. We don't tell enough stories face to face anymore. We rely on televisions, ipods and movie screens. Don't get me wrong, these are great facsimiles. They're important tools to disperse information. But nothing beats hearing the story, the play or the song in person. Nothing beats the real thing. And these guys are the real thing.

Go here: . Buy their record. Listen to it. And then send them a letter. Write them an email. Go to their house and light a candle. Do what you have to in order to support guys like this who make such incredible music and make the world a better place.


At 12:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Exactly my feelings... but, I am biased... Vacuity's drummer lives in my basement :)
I liked The Free Press too... very lively and to the point. Hope to see you at the Boathouse next week.

At 9:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Vacuity! They walk softly on the earth, carry a LOUD message in a strong, direct/realistic yet HOPEFUL manner.

They show us "hopelessness." Their music is a call for action. Inspiring the idealist in all of us they then lead us back to a state of "hopefulness."

Vacuity lovingly reminds us that "grace" walks amongst us even in today's world. Their charm is their blissful unawareness of their own "GRACE & GREATNESS."


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