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Monday, November 14, 2005

Do You Hear the People Sing?

My girlfriend and I went to see Les Miserables a few weeks ago. She had never seen the show and I was excited to take her because it was the first 'big' show that I ever saw. That was when I was in grade 10 and at the ripe old age of 15. The musical had a profound effect on me. I had no idea that theatre could be so moving and powerful. The themes of revolution and revenge and redemption are woven through the piece and the music is stunning. I think I have three different cast recordings of it because I was so awed by it. In fact, I believe it set me on the path I'm still walking now.

Anyway, 16 years later, my perception has changed a bit. But not too much. The music is still breathtaking and the show itself is a technical marvel. The story - although it's somewhat heavy handed and harps on God a bit too much - is still amazing. Nostalgia is a powerful force. It can take moments of your past that were less than perfect and make you remember them fondly as the greatest moments of your life. But I was really happy that it wasn't the case with Les Miserable. Everything the play speaks of is still relevant. Perhaps now more than ever. With an election coming, with the constant governmental desire for war and with biblical storms ravaging the world - there has never been a better time to stand by the people you love and fight for what you believe in. A few voices can change the outcome of the entire world. Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare. These people changed the world because they spoke with their hearts; honestly, openly and without fear. Why shouldn't we do the same?


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