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Friday, August 10, 2007



I love that this is world news.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Love and Wonder

I think that's the title of our record. I think.

It's everything that the record is about. The beauty and truth of another human being that we all seek to find. The amazement and childish awe that goes with that chase and that capture. And then the darkness and doubt that follow when you try to hold anything you love too tightly. Love and Wonder.

I've heard three almost finished songs so far and they've exceeded my wildest expectations. All the terror, all the sorrow, all the screaming, all the doubt and all the darkness just fall away when I hear the music. Two years of scheming and scraping and really hard work are all wiped away with a big, goofy smile. I've never had this kind of pride in anything I've made and the feeling is overwhelming. The same way that a cheese cake, a bottle of really nice red wine, a date with Jessica Biel and a million dollars is overwhelming. That is to say - all the good ways. I can't wait for everyone to hear it - particularly Jessica Biel.

We're getting close. Really, we are. It looks to be a November release - barring any land mines or heavenly creatures intervening. There's a lot of work to be done yet, but we can see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. What's more helpful is that now we know we're actually in a tunnel and there seems have been both an entrance and an exit. This is all excellent news from where the lads and I sit.

Stay tuned, kids. We're just a few months away from dreaming out loud.