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Monday, June 19, 2006

Powerful Allies...

Further indisputable and concrete proof that George Lucas is a raving madman. This picture will clearly show the sort of people he's lying in the proverbial bed with. No wonder he's a billionaire and owns most of North America. He cast the 'actor' who played the evil emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars films and then this 'actor' goes on to be the Pope.

Well, well, well. I can't say I'm shocked. The man is certainly cunning. However, it has to be said that Jim Jones was a cunning man, too. You'd have to be to get 913 people to drink Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. That does not rule out the fact that you may also be clinically insane.

We are living in a reign of terror. And as much as I'd like to blame George Bush and Stephen Harper (who I'm told eats babies) for the darkening skies of the world, I think we have to look elsewhere for answers. Look to MTV. Look to Myspace. Look to pop culture. These are the tools that control the ebb and flow of information (and power) in our society. In the wrong hands, the eyes and ears of an entire generation can be misled. Lucas and the Pope/Palpatine are akin to the two evil witches in the Wizard of Oz. Someone drop a house on these guys before things get out of hand.


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